May 19, 2024, Sunday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

“Oranges, Sun and Harmony” by Srija Shrestha

Zine Review

The Nepal Weekly
May 7, 2024

Srija Shrestha’s zine “Oranges, Sun and Harmony” is a joyful celebration of the small but special pleasures found during winter days. Despite being just 8 short pages, this little zine packs a surprisingly big emotional impact through Shrestha’s nuanced and expressive illustrations. The zine itself has an intimate, handcrafted quality – simply bound with staples, the tan textured paper gives it an earthy, natural feel. Shrestha’s soft, layered colored pencil illustrations have a subtle depth to them.

Right from the start, the zine immerses the reader in a cozy, nostalgic mood centered around the understated but profound delight of basking in the winter sun’s warm rays. With a graceful touch, Shrestha captures those blissful moments of lounging in patches of glorious warmth, taking relaxing baths, and slowly peeling and savoring fresh, sweet oranges. In her illustrations, I found myself revisiting my own cherished memories again and again – luxuriating in a leisurely bath while the sun’s warmth streamed through the window, happily doing laundry as laughter and conversation filled the sunny air, peacefully soaking in the day’s first sun rays on my face. Shrestha’s dreamy, soft illustrations wrap the viewer in a cozy, nostalgic feeling, like being enveloped in the coziest blanket of warm memories.

Yet amid these tranquil, sunlit scenes, she adds delightful touches of whimsy and humor that underscore how authentic and vibrant the emotional experience feels. One illustration perfectly captures the bright-eyed excitement of someone – undoubtedly meant to be me as a child – who bought their prized oranges from a singing street vendor calling out “oranges…sweet oranges!” This scene sparks an instant memory of my own childhood joy at scoring those bursts of sunny citrus from the melodious vendor. Shrestha uses the humble orange as a beautifully layered central metaphor. The use of oranges as a metaphor adds depth to the zine. They symbolize cherished traditions, time spent with loved ones, and moments of brightness in the midst of winter’s cold. Shrestha acknowledges that life isn’t always easy, but even in the tough times, there’s beauty to be found. Some bittersweet struggles are inevitably mixed into life too.

Despite its tiny size, “Oranges, Sun and Harmony” has a powerful core about mindfulness, serenity and self-care. While leaving the reader wishing for just a few more sun-dappled pages, the zine succeeds in tenderly celebrating the modest but meaningful daily rituals that make life special. Through her skillful visual storytelling in illustrations, Shrestha has crafted an undeniably charming and deeply impactful little zine that vividly evokes the kind of rich, soul-nourishing comfort and warmth that only winter sun and sweet oranges can provide.

(This book was released amidst a programme in Kathmandu on Saturday.) – Review by Prakriti Thapa