July 2, 2024, Tuesday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Birendra Bhakta Shrestha

- A politician with difference -

The Nepal Weekly
June 25, 2024

Birendra Bhakta Shrestha, who passed away on Friday, could be best described as the politician who did not go after power or seek to please those in high positions. He remained committed to the cause of democracy and freedom all his life.

As student in Tri-Chandra College and Tribhuvan University, he demonstrated the same spirit and robustly contributed to organizing youths and students for strengthening democratic values. Various political leaders including those of Nepali Congress who are currently highly placed may not have forgotten his dedicated service to the cause of political organization, youths and democracy.

Late Shrestha, according to a senior journalist, was a sensation and highly appealing popular democratic candidate in Kathmandu with a symbol of rooster in one time election for the highest legislature of the polity that knew no political parties. In the process, he re-awakened Kathmanduites’ sense of what political organization meant for public life.

Birendra Bhakta jee had a keen sense of Nepali heritage and always underlined the need to preserve it in its original form, said a culture enthusiast of Kathmandu referring to movement he launched for keeping intact cultural values while reconstructing Kasthamandap and similar ancient legacy in post-quake period.

Even in hospital-bed, and times troubled by severe illness he would tell visitors about a book he planned to author for restructuring democratic movements of his active life time. This, he would say, will facilitate the process of weaving Nepali digital generation with the glory of the past.

Late Shrestha is survived by his wife, daughter and son.