July 2, 2024, Tuesday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Heliport at Nalinchok, Bhaktapur brought into operation to reduce pressure at TIA

The Nepal Weekly
June 25, 2024

The new helipad at Nalinchok in Bhaktapur has started operating commercially to help manage the air traffic at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA).

Culture, Tourism, and Civil Aviation Minister Hit Bahadur Tamang inaugurated the helipad on last Friday. He mentioned that it will help manage the high flight traffic at TIA, Nepal’s international airport in Kathmandu.

Tourism Minister Tamang said that the ministry is working on policy and structural changes to ensure safe and reliable air travel. He highlighted the success of the new helipad in Bhaktapur as a significant step for civil aviation.

“The heliport is important because the international airport is becoming crowded with more airplanes and helicopters,” he said. “This helipad, built by the Nepal Civil Aviation Authority, will be especially useful for the eastern districts. It has many benefits.”

Pradeep Adhikari, the director general of the Civil Aviation Authority informed that the airport is currently expanding. He noted that the helicopter parking area is also being extended. He emphasized that these infrastructure improvements aim to make the country’s aviation services safer and more reliable.

the director general, said that the new heliport will help manage the flight pressure at the TIA. He also mentioned that it will make it easier for helicopter service companies to operate and benefit local residents.

During the inauguration, helicopters from various airlines landed at the new helipad. Officials from the Civil Aviation Authority, along with the tourism minister and helicopter company representatives, flew from the international airport to Nalinchok by helicopter.

The Aviation Authority reported that the heliport was built at a cost of Rs 11 crore. This helipad has been built on an area of   32 ropaniof land in Nalinchok, Suryabinayak Municipality-10 of Bhaktapur which is about 16 km away in distance from Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, Nepal. 

Currently, there are about 40 helicopters from 12 different service providers operating in the country. The heliport can accommodate four helicopters at a time and has space to park 17 helicopters. Currently, there are about 40 helicopters from 12 different service providers operating in the country.