June 23, 2024, Sunday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Nepal elected as the Deputy Member of the ILO Governing Body

The Nepal Weekly
June 11, 2024

Nepal has been unanimously elected as the Deputy Member of the Governing Body of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) during the 112th ILO Conference in Geneva on 7 June 2024 for a three-year term. Nepal is set to assume the new responsibility on 15 June 2024 from the 351st Session of the Governing Body meeting., according to a press release issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

As a member of the Governing Body, Nepal will have opportunity to contribute to advancing labour standards, promoting decent work, and enhancing tripartite collaboration towards democratic and inclusive decision-making process at the ILO, according to the press release. “Nepal will be able to add voice and collaborate with tripartite constituents to address the challenges confronting today’s labour markets, particularly making policies relating to the migrant workers, including ethical recruitment, decent work principles, workplace safety and health, minimum wages, and social protection, among others.”

The Governing Body is ILO’s executive arm, which plays a crucial role in determining the organisation’s policies and plans, setting agenda for the International Labour Conference, adopting the proposed programmes and budget for submission to the Conference, among others.

The tripartite composition of the ILO Governing Body consists of 56 Governments (28 regular and 28 deputy members), 33 Employer members (14 regular and 19 deputy members), and 33 Worker members (14 regular and 19 deputy members).

“Nepal’s election to the ILO Governing Body can be taken as the international labour community’s acknowledgment of Nepal’s commitment to the fundamental principles and objectives of the ILO and constructive engagement in shaping policies and setting standards for making the world of work just, decent and equitable.”

This is the second time that Nepal got the seat in the Governing Body ever since joining the International Labour Organization in 1966.