July 7, 2024, Sunday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Parliamentary culture

The Nepal Weekly
July 2, 2024

As Nepal observed the 66th Parliament Day on June 30, parliamentarians and stakeholders of parliament emphasized the need to promote parliamentary culture in the country. Making parliament more responsive to the country’s need and people’s aspiration is very important. Although all members of parliament are effortful in their own way in fulfilling their functions, various problems facing the country and the people remain to be addressed with promptness and efficiency. The dynamism in functionality that people expect from the people’s representatives has not yet been experienced. Scrutiny of government in the parliamentary floor in an appropriate way could make the government of the day accountable. In this regard also parliamentarians have to work hard to make a real difference. Since parliament is a law making body, it should also take into consideration the requirement of changing society for fresh laws. The digital era that has influenced all aspects of people’s lives and officials’ working practices demands fresh laws, rules and regulations for bringing order in the society. Parliamentarians should also take this into consideration as they work in the parliament. A number of parliamentary committees are functional in Nepal parliament. Their contribution is considered highly important and valuable in making various development works in Nepal focused for the public interest. Similarly the committees are effortful in addressing problems such as corruption, adverse effect of climate change, pollution in urban settlements, unemployment etc. These tasks will help Nepal significantly as she tries to venture into graduation into a developing country from the status of least developed country. As parliamentarians discuss matters in the floor, people expect a standard. That standard will help them to behave in a standard way in other walks of life. Parliamentarians, they say, are actually those people who promote civic sense of doing things in a democratic manner. Such civic sense and behaviour is considered very important for Nepalis and the same ultimately contributes to strengthening of democracy in the country. Days such as parliament day should remind all of their rights and duties in society. As the day is celebrated, people should express a sense of commitment to the parliamentary culture which, among other things, emphasizes civic discussion, civic negotiation and civic way of tackling differences and discriminations and approaching right decisions. May this year’s Parliament Day inspire all to move towards the direction!