July 2, 2024, Tuesday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Boosting development expenses

The Nepal Weekly
June 25, 2024

The government’s inability to spend appropriately in development or infrastructural sector is the story that gets repeated every year. That this year did not turn out to be an exception would surprise none. Statisticians measure the inability in number while others do the same in terms of its impact on other economic activities such as investment, income generating sectors, innovation in business and other services that people need in the context of pursuing their profession over time. Failure to increase development expenses could actually be the result of various factors related to governance, economic planning and monitoring. As the fiscal year nears the end all related to development expenses or projects that have been allocated development expenditure for the year get activated. They, according to those who have ground information, spend in one month what they do not spend in six months. Experts question this trend for it stresses only on utilizing the money allocated for the project. It facilitates contractors but not others. None appears to be serious about efficiency in spending and quality work. Since development resources come from public fund keen sense of best utilization of the resources should be applied. But those who run the projects do not seem serious. They appear dedicated to spending only and not on the outcome of the spending. As a result of the same, whatever development works are done through the resources do not last long. The concept of sustainability is never applied to these types of works despite the government’s full-fledged commitment to sustainability as envisaged by the UN. A survey of a few development works undertaken in 7 provinces, at federal and municipal levels would be sufficient to prove the point. Experts underline the importance of sensitizing all ministries and development works offices on making the best use of the fund available throughout the year. Let development works take place in the country throughout twelve months. Let all concerned be prepared to facilitate it. The drive of doing development works all the time would create a situation in which public funding would be put to the best efficient use. A reliable development work serves as a great jumping pad for increasing other public works which will in turn be instrumental in re-energizing the development and economic efforts of the whole country.