July 4, 2024, Thursday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Leading the Charge: NAST Unveils Nepal’s First Fuel Cell Research Program

The Nepal Weekly
July 2, 2024

Fuel cells, renowned for their role in clean and efficient energy, are gaining traction in Nepal. The Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) has initiated an ambitious project to develop Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) from locally sourced materials. This innovative endeavour marks a crucial technological milestone for Nepal and aligns with global movements towards sustainable energy solutions.

Breakthroughs in Fuel Cell Technology:

Recent advancements in fuel cell technology focus on increasing durability, reducing platinum usage, and enhancing overall efficiency. Innovations such as using metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for hydrogen storage and incorporating artificial intelligence to optimize fuel cell performance are setting new standards. These technological breakthroughs are making fuel cells more practical and accessible for widespread use.

Historical Background and Global Development: The concept of fuel cells dates back to 1801, when Sir Humphry Davy discovered the principle of electrolysis. It was Sir William Grove in 1839 who first demonstrated a working fuel cell. Throughout the 20th century, fuel cells powered space missions like the Space Shuttle, providing crucial energy and water. Recently, significant advancements have been made, particularly in countries like Norway, Australia, the UK, and Singapore. These nations experiences offer valuable insights for emerging economies like Nepal, facilitating the adoption and integration of advanced fuel cell technologies.

Fuel Cell Applications in Nepal: Nepal, with its distinctive energy needs, stands to benefit significantly from adopting fuel cells. Key areas of impact include:

Energy Independence and Security:

·    Reduction in Fossil Fuel Imports: Utilizing fuel cells can decrease Nepal’s reliance on imported oil and petroleum products, preserving foreign exchange reserves. Generating energy domestically helps Nepal avoid economic risks tied to global oil price fluctuations.

·    Enhanced Energy Security: Incorporating hydrogen and renewable energy sources can reduce dependence on a single energy source, increasing resilience against supply disruptions. This diversification is vital for Nepal, which primarily depends on hydropower and is susceptible to seasonal water flow changes.

Supporting Renewable Energy:

·    Grid Balance: Hydrogen production can absorb excess electricity from renewable sources during peak periods, aiding in grid stability and preventing energy waste. This is especially advantageous for Nepal, where integrating intermittent renewable sources like solar and wind into the grid can be challenging.

·    Seasonal Storage: Hydrogen can be stored and used during times of low electricity production, such as winter months when Nepal usually imports electricity from India due to reduced hydropower output. This ensures a consistent energy supply year-round, boosting energy security and reliability.

Agricultural Applications:

·    Ammonia and Fertilizer Production: Hydrogen can be used to produce ammonia, a key ingredient in fertilizers, which would benefit Nepal’s agricultural sector. This can decrease reliance on imported fertilizers, offering economic advantages to local farmers and promoting sustainable farming practices.


·    Hydrogen-Powered Vehicles: Fuel cells can power various vehicles, including cars, buses, trucks, and trains, significantly cutting emissions and improving urban air quality. By developing hydrogen infrastructure, Nepal can move towards a cleaner and more sustainable transportation sector.

·    Reduced Import Costs: Using domestically produced hydrogen for vehicles can lessen dependence on imported fuel, keeping economic benefits within the country. This transition can boost local industries and create jobs in the emerging green energy sector.

Disaster Resilience:

·    Reliable Power Supply: Fuel cells can deliver stable power during disasters, a critical need for a country susceptible to earthquakes and other natural calamities. This reliability ensures that essential infrastructure, such as hospitals and emergency services, remains operational during crises, enhancing overall disaster preparedness and response capabilities.

NAST’s Research Progress: NAST’s research on Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) is in its early stages, primarily focusing on laboratory-based experiments. The initial objectives include establishing a state-of-the-art PEMFC technology lab, conducting extensive literature reviews, and sourcing materials locally to minimize costs and ensure sustainability.

One significant milestone achieved by the NAST team is the successful generation of hydrogen in the laboratory, producing voltage readings of 170 mV with their fuel cell setup. This achievement is a crucial step in demonstrating the practical potential of PEMFC technology in Nepal, highlighting the capability of Nepalese scientists and engineers in clean energy.

Future Plans and Innovations: In the second phase of its ambitious project, the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) plans to design and test a small-scale Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) prototype. This phase aims to demonstrate the feasibility of the technology and gather valuable insights for future refinement and scaling. The ultimate goal is to contribute to Nepal’s energy matrix by providing innovative, sustainable energy solutions.

Moreover, NAST is focused on increasing hydrogen production through electrolysis, using electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. By harnessing renewable energy sources for electrolysis, green hydrogen production can further reduce the carbon footprint. This approach enhances the sustainability of hydrogen production and aligns with global decarbonization trends.

NAST is also exploring alternatives to platinum, a precious metal used as a catalyst in PEMFCs. Platinum’s high cost and scarcity pose significant barriers to the widespread adoption of fuel cells. Research aims to identify more abundant and cost-effective materials that can perform efficiently in fuel cells, making the technology more accessible and economically viable.

The development of hydrogen storage solutions is another priority. Efficient storage is crucial for ensuring a stable hydrogen supply, especially during times of high demand or low production. Innovations in storage technologies aim to create robust infrastructure supporting the growth of hydrogen-based energy systems in Nepal.


Though still in the early stages, NAST’s strides in fuel cell research represent a promising future for Nepal’s energy sector. By leveraging local resources and cutting-edge technology, Nepal is poised to make significant contributions to sustainable energy. This project not only enhances scientific capabilities but also paves the way for a greener, more self-sufficient energy landscape.

As NAST continues to push the boundaries of fuel cell technology, Nepal stands on the brink of a new era in energy innovation, promising cleaner, more efficient, and sustainable power for generations to come. Investing in research, development, and infrastructure, Nepal can create a resilient and diversified energy portfolio that meets the needs of its population while protecting the environment. This pioneering effort is a testament to the country’s commitment to sustainable development and its vision for a brighter, greener future.

By focusing on innovative technologies, sustainable practices, and strategic collaborations, NAST’s initiatives are set to transform Nepal’s energy sector. This comprehensive approach not only addresses current energy challenges but also ensures long-term energy security and environmental sustainability for the nation.