June 28, 2024, Friday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

President Paudel visits historic Berlin Wall site in Germany

The Nepal Weekly
June 18, 2024

President Ramchandra Poudel on Monday visited various historic sites including the fallen Berlin Wall in Germany.

Currently, on an official visit to Germany, the President accompanied by his spouse Sabita Poudel and other members of the visiting delegation arrived in Germany on Saturday at the friendly invitation of the President of Germany.

President Paudel was scheduled to hold bilateral talks with his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeir later in the evening Monday in Berlin, according to sources at the Nepali Embassy in Berlin.

Prior to his arrival in Berlin, President Paudel had attended as a keynote speaker at the high-level event of the 112th International Labor Conference of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the inaugural session of the Global Alliance for Social Justice.