July 27, 2024, Saturday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

International Experts Dialogue on Mountains, People and Climate on May 22-23

The Nepal Weekly
May 21, 2024

Nepal is set to host a two day “International Experts Dialogue on Mountains, People and Climate” on May 22-23 in Chandragiri Hill, Kathmandu, with a view to raising its voice on climate change issues at global level. Prime Minister Pushpakamal Dahal “Prachanda” will inaugurate the international event that will attract over 200 people including government officials, policy makers and experts from around two dozen countries including Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

“We are ready to engage with different parties to bring the mountain issues into the forefront of global climate negotiation discussions,” remarked Minister for Forest and Environment Nawal Koshor Shah Sudi.

“It is a great opportunity for the government of Nepal to have a discussion with global participants and dignitaries on the mountain and beyond issues ahead of the UN organized expert dialogue on mountain and climate change agenda in Bonn, Germany,” pointed out Govinda Prasad Sharma, secretary at the Ministry of Forest and Environment.

Global gathering in Nepal will be an opportunity for Nepal to showcase its leadership and spearhead the mountain dialogue at the global climate negotiation to ensure the agenda in United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), said Maheshwor Dhakal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Forest and Environment.

The main objective of the dialogue is to contribute to the expert dialogue on mountains and climate change to be hosted by the Subsidiary Body for Scientists and Technological Advice (SBSTA) at the 60th session of the SBSTA on June 5, 2024, according to a press release issued by the ministry.

“Nepal has been initiating constant advocacy in the UN gatherings on sensitivity of mountain conservation and climate,” pointed out the press release. The international expert dialogue will have ten sessions under three themes: 1. Climate Science and Mountain Evidence, Mountain Solutions: Common Grounds and Common Understanding and Mountain Perspective: Resources and Opportunities. Fifty plus global speakers will be making deliberations during panel discussions.

The summary of the recommendations developed from this dialogue will be handed over to Harry Vreuls, chair of the SBSTA, who will be present during the dialogue being organized in Kathmandu.