July 26, 2024, Friday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Himalaya Airlines’ annual “Step Towards Education” campaign

The Nepal Weekly
April 16, 2024

Himalaya Airlines has, under its CSR objective of social responsibility, continued its annual contribution to Prayas Nepal under the “Step Towards Education” campaign. “Since 2017, this initiative has been a keystone of the company’s CSR efforts aimed at empowering underprivileged children through education.”

This year, the annual activity was carried out at the beginning of the academic session; on April 10,2024, Ms. Ujjwala Dali, Head of Department – Brand, handed over the essential educational materials, including various grades’ course books, notebooks, school bags, and school shoes to the children of Prayas Nepal, according to a press release from the Himalaya Airlines.

In addition to the annual support, to enrich the children’s knowledge and to give them a brief understanding of the aviation history, Himalaya Airlines organized a field trip to the Aviation Museum located at Sinamangal Kathmandu. By providing the underprivileged children the first-hand exposure to the world of aviation, H9 aimed to ignite their curiosity, and broaden their horizons beyond the traditional classroom learning. Appreciating the Airlines’ philanthropic cause, Aviation Museum supported H9’s CSR activity with Free of Charge entrance and a well guided tour for the children.

“We are committed to creating opportunities for the underprivileged children and our ‘Step Towards Education’ campaign not only aims to provide educational materials’ support but also seeks to inspire and guide the children through unique experiences of knowledge gaining and sharing,” remarked Ms. Dali.

“We are grateful to Himalaya Airlines for their unwavering support towards our cause; the field trip to the Aviation Museum has undoubtedly left a lasting impression on their minds,” remarked Ms. Mani Joshi, President – Prayas Nepal, sharing her appreciation.