July 27, 2024, Saturday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Climate awareness

The Nepal Weekly
December 5, 2023

The international community participating in COP 28 at Dubai heard how Nepal has become victim of climate change. Prime Minister Dahal, in his speech, presented, among other things,  a specific statement backed by scientific facts in this regard. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who recently saw firsthand the adverse effect of climate change in the Himalayas also shed light on the complex of problems Nepalis suffer from because of melting snow, disappearance of glaciers, flood, landslides, deforestation, changing weather systems, wild fire and irregular pattern of rains and storm. Because of the two high level observations the case of Nepal needing sufficient aid for preparing to adapt to effects of climate change has been well presented. International support as pledged at the international gathering will flow, it could be hoped, in course of time and facilitate Nepal well. Other least developed countries also need such effort to cope with the effect of climate change. Their need will also be addressed as explained at the international conference which basically aims at limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius and helping vulnerable communities adapt to the effect of climate change and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. In the meanwhile meaningful schemes should be undertaken in Nepal for making people climate conscious. Citizens should be well aware about the negative effects of deforestation, landslides, various types of pollutions, flood, wild fire, and storm. They should be prepared to cope with the disaster called climate crisis. Preserving nature at the grass root level could be one way of making people conscious of climate crisis. Facilitating them to have realization that they should individually contribute to avoiding such crisis could contribute to the cause in a significant manner. Preparing an institutional frame with adequate mechanism for governance for using the climate aid in a better manner is one task the government should do immediately. If this could not be done the aid received for the purpose could be misused and this would further complicate the climate crisis. The local governments in Nepal could be instrumental in spreading the message of climate crisis and ways to address it at the grass-root level. Protecting farms, local means of living and ensuring sustainability of natural resources could be the agenda they could adopt in accordance with the suggestions of climate scientists. Act and not rhetoric should be the guiding principle in all climate related issues and schemes.