July 26, 2024, Friday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

PL Singh re-admitted to Medicity Hospital

The Nepal Weekly
August 22, 2023

The first mayor of Kathmandu Metropolitan City P.L. Singh has been re-admitted to Medicity Hospital at Bhaisapati, Lalitpur Monday morning. Singh has been taken to the ICU of the hospital for further treatment, according to his family sources.

Endoscopy has been performed on Singh after being admitted in the hospital. His health condition is said to be stable and not serious, according to doctors attending to him. Earlier last month, he had been admitted to the hospital for two weeks when he went through an operation after he was found to be suferring from ulcer. He was discharges a week ago and having rest at home. However, after vommiting some blood, he has been taken to the hospital again.