July 27, 2024, Saturday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Making Parliament a hostage: for how long?

The Nepal Weekly
August 15, 2023

The tussle between the ruling alliance and the main opposition CPN-UML over the issue of formation of a high level probe commission to inquire into the 100 kg gold smuggling through the Tribhuvan International Airport has made the sovereign Parliament a hostage for weeks. Main opposition UML has been obstructing the HoR for several times demanding formation of a high level probe commission to look into the 100 kg gold smuggling, which has dragged over a dozen people for inquiry. However, the ruling alliance is hesitating to form such a commission saying that CIB is sufficient to probe into the case. The House obstruction has caused huge damage to the country at a time, when many important businesses are pending. People from different quarters are raising various important issues such as loan sharking, flood and landslide affected victims, victims of cooperatives and micro-finance and so on. But the the House is unable to discuss these important issues as the opposition has made the Parliament hostage. The government has assured that no one if found guilty will be spared while taking action against the culprit. However, the opposition has accused that the Home Minister and the Finance Minister might have been involved in the scam. The obstruction of the House has also caused millions of rupees worth loss to the public money. The Rastriya Swotantra Party has raised voice that no one should make the Parliament hostage to fulfil their vested interest. The party has even announced not to take allowances and facilities entitled to the Lawmakers for the period of House obstruction. Will the other political parties including the ruling alliance make similar announcement? We need to wait and watch. Any way both the ruling parties and the opposition should reach an agreement not to make the House hostage for their petty interest and neglect the greater welfare of the people. Only ordinary people will suffer and democracy will be weakened if we allow the House to adjourn time and again.