July 27, 2024, Saturday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Maoist cadres and leaders criticize top brass leadership

The Nepal Weekly
August 8, 2023

The five day long Central Committee meeting of the ruling CPN-Maoist Centre which concluded in Kathmandu on Sunday witnessed open criticism of the party’s top brass leaders for pursuing nepotism, favouratism and family-centred politics. The meeting, however, renewed commitment to invigorating the party by reaching out to the grassroots level.

During the meeting, attended by over 400 CWC members, the Maoist leaders and cadres have accused top leaders including party supremo Pushpakamal Dahal “Prachanda” of focussing on on power, resulting in the party’s tarnishing public image. The CPN-MC’s position has declined to a distant third from the largest party in 2008, they argued.

TO revamp the party organization the central body recommended a number of measures including organizing party’s statute convention within four months to drastically slash existing 400 plus member central committee, conducting special convention to clear confusion and organizing a three month campaign to reach out to the people and listen to their complaints.

The meeting also decided to launch the three-month long Maoist with People special transformation campaign starting from September 2.

“During the campaign, our cadres will visit each and every household, not only the well-wishers of the party, but supporters of other political parties too,” remarked PM Prachanda. ”We will discuss with the people our attempts at good governance, social justice and prosperity,” he pointed out.

The party has decided to conduct the statute convention by mid-December following the 3-month long campaign.

However, Prachanda invited criticism from senior leaders of the party including Barshaman Pun and Janardan Sharma for failure to groom new leadership to replace him. However, the party’s central body did not go for finding an alternative to chairperson Prachanda, which may be termed as the only achievement of the meeting for the Prime Minister.