Screening of Hindi movies has resumed across the country starting from Friday, after an interval of nearly five days, with the Patan High Court issuing an order not to obstruct screening of Hindi and other films, which are endorsed by the censor board. The high court on Thursday issued a short term order not to obstruct the screening of all those films, which has got permission from the Censor Board.
In Kathmandu many cinema halls started screening of Hindi films, except the controversial Adipurush, which was banned following instruction issued by Kathmandu Metropolitan City. However, there were very few viewers in Kathmandu’s theatres following the controversy.
In Kathmandu’s Multiplex QFX Cinema situated in Sundhara, Hindi film Jara Hatke, Jara Bachke starring Sara Ali Khan and Vikki Kaushal has been screened since Friday.
Issuing a statement Nepal Motion Picture Association said, all Nepali and foreign films except Adipurush, will be screened from Friday.
The Interim order issued by the Patan High Court has paved way to screen all the films that are passed by the censor board. “It has been our belief that no one is above the national and nationality,” pointed out the statement adding“ it is our fundamental right to engage in our business freely abiding by Nepalese Law.”
Thouogh Mayor Balendra Shah has not publicly made any comment since the theaters in Kathmandu started screening Hindi movies other than Adipurush. However, a staff at Kamaladi’s Q’s Cinemas said that the KMC did not send its police to halt films since Friday, when most of Kathmandu’s cinemas started screening Hindi and other movies except Adipurush Nepal had banned all Hindi movies including Adipurush since June 18, after Kathmandu Mayor Balendra Shah directed film halls within the capital city to halt screening of all Hindi movies citing that the film depicted Sita as India’s daughter