July 26, 2024, Friday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Lesson of three months


The Nepal Weekly
March 21, 2023

With the political leadership in Singha Durbar not functioning properly for the past three months, the government has not been able to produce anything substantial for the service-seekers. Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal spent the time in securing his post through various contrasting political workouts such as cracking one coalition, structuring another and mending fences differently with some dozen parliamentary political parties. He emerged personally successful in the acts and the same enabled him to get yet another Vote of Confidence in the House of Representatives. But his government could not indicate any effectiveness in governance, at least, in the initial phase: the ineffectiveness of federal level was also experienced at provincial capitals. People are tolerant over all these and hope things would make headway after the Prime Minister received his second VoC. Following all these the Head of Government is expected to focus on governance. The election of Vice-President is over and it went the way planned by the new coalition. But the issue why successful leaders cannot show their skills and efficiency in governance should be discussed thoroughly in all political parties and by all leaders and a way to tackle it should be explored The problem, history indicates, has, over time and in varied ways, weakened performance-capacity of all politicos and their organizations in the country. The problem plays instrumental role in making people lose trust in political parties. People’s displeasure over traditional parties with historic achievements surfaced prominently during the general election 2022 and the same motivated new parties and leaders to come forward and win voters’ confidence. Entry of fresh blood is good and it contributes to making political process dynamic and the same pushes politicos to engage in result-oriented acts which are in the best interest of the country. The lesson of the past three months is: the government should be functional not only in formality but also in decisions, policies and actions from the time of oath-taking. Any excuse in this regard could not be accepted. A section in the ruling party should be focused on creating a situation which facilitates governance particularly its process to produce results which would be in the public interest. If this lesson is ignored, even if politicos gain or retain power, they will not be able to make their government perform impressively and show results in real time. The current government may have learnt the lesson well and it would in future particularly the next financial year make a positively substantial difference in point of governance.