July 27, 2024, Saturday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Paudel Presidency

The Nepal Weekly
March 14, 2023

People and politicians are looking forward to Paudel Presidency as a period when constitution and its provisions are safeguarded well in accordance with their letters and spirit. President Ram Chandra Paudel understands this well and is expected to allow the Presidency evolve further as the highest national institution dedicated to the sustainable wellbeing of the people and the nation. With his determination to delink himself from the Nepali Congress which he served all his political life in various capacities, Paudel is now the President of all Nepalis. The conflict of interest which might arise from time to time because of his previous connection with the largest single party in parliament would not trouble him while fulfilling presidential duty. The President of Nepal is the ceremonial Head of State and has to act as per the advisory of the Prime Minister. The constitutional expectation from the President should therefore be kept into consideration while deciding on matters in which the President and Prime Minister differ. Values like serving always in the best interest of the country and the people should be honoured in such times. Principles and practices of good governance also expect the same. As the Head of State, Paudel could emerge as the inspiration for all Nepalis of all age groups and of all sections of Nepali society. His speeches and behaviour should motivate all sections of communities in Nepal. The poor, marginalized, backward and the deprived people of Nepal should find a close reliable and helpful friend in him. Paudel’s simple, straight but dedicated approach to politics should now translate into a statesman’s way of presiding over the highest post of the country. As President Paudel enters the Sheetal Niwas he should consider himself as a person who functions and thinks not about his comfort or image but is dedicated to the great cause of the people and the country. The same will be instrumental in raising the height of the presidency. Two examples of commoners being the Head of State and completing their tenure are there for all to evaluate. Paudel, the third commoner to occupy the post, should now try for continuity and also change as per the demand of dynamic times and trends. May God bless President Paudel !