January 23, 2025, Thursday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Politicos in power: time to serve

The Nepal Weekly
March 14, 2023

By TNW correspondent

Nepali politicos in power should now focus on delivery of services to the people and consider ways to tackle the problems people face day in and day out. They should be serious about it, said senior politicians in Kathmandu.

“The election cycle is now over and those who are in government should no more stress talking but acting in the interest of the people. The people are suffering from high cost of living, unemployment, uncontrolled market behaviour in price and supply.”

People have long watched with patience the drama of politicians in power. They can no more tolerate their way of using politics for satisfying their ego at the cost of the people and the country.

Most of the democratic institutions of the country and pillars of government appear not motivated to serve because of high interference from the politicians. The same should be corrected in time and allow the bodies to function independently, said a media analyst.

The opposition party in parliament should also be effortful in not only criticizing those in power but offering better alternatives to the government way of acting. The parliament should witness a fair and healthy dialogue on matters of nation building, observed a former opposition leader.

Two important documents will soon be presented to the parliament – the government’s policies and programmes and the budget – for fulfilling them in the next fiscal year. They should substantially prove to address the problems facing modern day Nepal. The same should be practiced by the government in the seven provinces.

Federalism should be practiced in the real sense of the term during its second cycle, added an expert on federalism.