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Paudyal in race for the President

The Nepal Weekly
February 21, 2023

By TNW correspondent

Elected MP Ram Chandra Paudyal is expected to be a candidate in the election for the President. His party Nepali Congress will soon give a formal go-ahead to him for the same, said some insiders of NC.

The election for the president is being watched with keen interest by all political parties in the country. PM Dahal and his party are emphasizing national consensus for the presidential candidate. Whether Paudyal’s candidacy will be backed by this proposition is what is in mystery at the moment, observed a senior politician.

Former PM Oli is stressing his party CPN UML’s candidate should emerge as victorious in the election as per the agreement worked out prior to forming the current ruling coalition.

A few small parties are also looking for their chance of offering candidacy for the election utilizing the opportunity opened by the national consensus approach.

Although the post of President is a ceremonial one it plays key role in safeguarding the constitution and its provisions, a media analyst pointed out. “History has taught former PMs how the post could influence the key decisions at times. They are therefore looking forward to having a politician president devoted to the protection of constitution.”

A few politicians point out that the presidential election holds key to sustainability of the current parliament. “It could have impact on future politics of Nepal particularly break up of current coalition and build up of a new one.”

Optimists view the presidential poll as the determinant of the future of national consensus approach. “If the president is elected with support from all parties, the approach will have a multiplier effect on the governance and politics of the country.”

“If the same could not be done because of some politicians’ ego the country will have to witness further scenario of instability in future.” In any case, the presidential poll will be held fairly and freely, said a former speaker of parliament.