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German Parliamentarian Delegation in Nepal

The Nepal Weekly
February 21, 2023

South-Asian Parliamentary Delegation from the German Bundestag, the German House of Representatives, is on a four-day official visit to Nepal starting from February 19, February 2023. The six-member parliamentary delegation comprises of parliamentarian Ms. Renate Künast, Mr. Andreas Larem, Mr. Paul Lehrieder, Ms. Ria Schröder, Dr. Malte Kaufmann and Dr. André Hahn, according to a press release issued by German Embassy, Kathmandu.

“This visit after the pandemic will further strengthen parliamentary relations between Nepal and Germany, contributing to the long-standing bilateral friendship and cooperation that has lasted for more

than 60 years,” remarked Ms. Renate Künast, Head of the Delegation.

“The delegation will discuss a wide range of issues, including economic transformation of Nepal, tourism promotion, Nepal’s peace process and human rights, women empowerment, rules-based international order, agriculture and regional cooperation as well as German-Nepali development cooperation.”

The members of the delegation met Prime Minister of Nepal Pushpa Kamal Dahal “Prachanda”, Speaker of the House of Representative Devraj Ghimire, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Bishnu Paudel, Minister for Agriculture and Livestock Development Jwala Kumari Sah and Foreign Secretary Bharat Raj Paudyal on Monday. The German parliamentary delegation also had an interaction program with members of the Federal Parliament of Nepal.

Besides the official meetings, the parliamentary delegation will also have an interaction with representatives of German Development Cooperation, German NGOs working in Nepal and human rights organisations. The Delegation also plans to visit ICIMOD Knowledge Park, Nepal Vocational Academy and the Nepal Secretariat of Skills and Training (NSST). A visit to the rich cultural heritage of Bhaktapur and Bouddhanath is also scheduled during the four-day entourage.