July 27, 2024, Saturday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Optimism for topmost election

The Nepal Weekly
February 7, 2023

With the Rastriya Swatantra Party out of government but within the ruling coalition and opposition parties including Nepali Congress and CPN Socialist not challenging PM Dahal’s party-candidate for vice-chairperson of Rastriya Sabha, a new political indicator appears to be emerging prior to the election for the third President of Republic of Nepal. The Head of Government is trying his best to create a climate for national consensus for the highest post while CPN UML is effortful for getting its candidate win the presidency. Other parties appear reluctant for the same. Nepali Congress claims that at least one share of highly powerful posts in the country should be considered for it. It argues that it deserves the same for it has the honour of being the single largest party in the current parliament. Arguments for all three are democratic and there is no harm in discussing the pros and cons of all of them as the country heads towards the most crucial election for the topmost post in Sheetal Niwas. Although not very powerful politically, the President’s election this time is being approached as highly valuable in the light of the hung state of parliament. Political heavyweights PM Dahal, opposition leader Deuba and the driving force behind the present ruling coalition Oli seek to have a president comfortable to their future mission. There is a big pull and push among them for winning the race. While who will emerge victorious cannot be predicted at the moment, PM Dahal could work out a sort of understanding with opposition party Nepali Congress and others to secure his position. A fresh negotiation could be worked out for allowing NC to have presidency and a Madhesh based party to obtain vice-presidency. CPN UML will not be happy over this and the same could challenge the existence of the ruling coalition. But because the party has gained so much in various crucial posts at the federal and provincial levels it would not risk break-up of the ruling coalition. It might, of course, keep political distance from PM Dahal for some time. All will ultimately accept the reality and a sort of political stability could be constructed for allowing the parliament and the government to function in real time independently. Such an optimistically inclusive outlook should govern the politics in the broad interest of the country and the people.