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NAST is organising 1st National Innovation Conference

The Nepal Weekly
January 24, 2023

Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) is organising the first National Innovation Conference 2023 on 24th January 2023. The event is being organised in collaboration with The Asia Foundation, the Robotics Association of Nepal, and NAXA.

The conference will bring together various stakeholders including academia, government, entrepreneurs, business leaders, and service practitioners in a stimulating environment. Hence, the conference will create a platform to highlight the necessity to innovate in areas that are core to the development of a country’s economy.

This will help bring together the technical minds and policymakers and have a thorough gap analysis done to help align the innovation goals and policy-level bottlenecks with the intention to narrow down the gaps. Thus, the conference will act as a platform to highlight the necessity to innovate in areas that are core to the development of a country’s economy.

The National Innovation Conference is a need to boost R&D, achieve sustainable development goals, bring together the innovation champions and maximise their role and understand and identify ways to strengthen Nepal’s position in the Global Innovation Index, NAST states. Dr. Rabindra Dhakal of NAST mentions that that the conference is important for development and extension of R&D and maximisation of science, technology and innovation and research in line with the federal structure and maintaining the provincial balance as well as to create a conducive environment for increased investment through cooperation and coordination among those bodies.