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LC3 cement technology can contribute to climate change and environment friendly

The Nepal Weekly
November 29, 2022

Researchers, experts and entrepreneurs engaged in the cement manufacturing technology gathered in Kathmandu to discuss on the benefits of upgrading cement manufacturing technology. On the occasion, the experts elaborated the newer LC3 technology which has been proved to be instrumental in contributing reduce climate change effects and environment friendly as well.

LC3 stands for Limestone Calcined Clay Cement. It is a ternary blend of clinker, calcined clay, crushed limestone and gypsum. A nominal blend uses 50% clinker, 15% non-cement grade limestone (high silica or high MgO content), 30% calcined clay (non-ceramic grade) and 5% gypsum.

Moreover, LC3 can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 40%, is made using limestone and low-grade clays which are available in abundant quantities in Nepal too. It is cost effective and does not require capital intensive modifications to existing cement plants.

LC3 can reduce CO2 emissions per tonne of cement by up to 30% while it requires less energy and can be made using fairly low grade and low cost clays. Likewise, LC3 does not require substantial capital investments and can be produced in existing plants.

Traditional Portland cement consists of 95% clinker. The production of it is energy-intensive and responsible for most of the CO2 within the cement. By reducing the clinker-content with so called Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs), large CO2-savings can be achieved.

LC3 is a new blend of two materials which have a synergetic effect can reduce half of the clinker content and thereby cut up to 40% of the CO2-emissions. Furthermore, LC3 uses industrial waste materials which thereby increase the resource efficiency and reduce the utilization of the scarce raw materials that are necessary for producing clinker.

This technology has been adopted in India and 29 other countries. The existing cement factories can upgrade (or transfer) to LC3 by replacing and adding a few technical equipment and accessories.

The objective of the LC3-Project is, through research and testing, to make LC3 a standard and mainstream general-use cement in the global cement market.

The main research activities focus not only on specific thematic areas of cement research but also on production, environmental sustainability and cost effectiveness of this new cement.

With funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation through its global programme in Climate Change, this has been able to bring the idea of the LC3-technology from the lab in Switzerland to all parts of the world.

On the occasion, President of Nepal Cement Manufacturers Association Dhruva Thapa said that LC3 can contribute Nepal’s cement industry in climate, environment and investment front. Moreover this can also help reduce consuming valuable raw materials replacing by low grade clay as well. He informed that Nepal is producing more cement than it requires these days. Some manufacturers have started to export to India. Nepal Government also provides export incentive on this business.

The knowledge sharing interaction was organised on 24th November 2022 by Technology and Action for Rural Advancement (TARA),Minergy Nepal, Nepal Cement Manufacturers Association and IIDS.