July 27, 2024, Saturday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Minimum support price of rice fixed

The Nepal Weekly
November 15, 2022

The government has fixed the support price of rice. As per the decision of the Council of Ministers, a quintal of mota dhan variety will cost Rs 2,967 and the medium rice Rs 3,128 for the fiscal year 2022-23.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock shared this information today. The price this year is slightly raised as compared to the last fiscal year.

The government-owned Food Management and Trade Company will purchase the rice as per support price. In the current fiscal year, the company aims to buying 300,000 metric tonnes of rice.

Similarly, the government has allocated Rs 330 million for purchasing rice through agriculture cooperatives at support price.

However, there is no such provision for Prime Minister Agriculture Modernisation Project.

As per the existing work procedure, the agriculture cooperatives buying rice at support price would be provided incentive of Rs 112 per quintal.