July 27, 2024, Saturday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Searching constituency for win

The Nepal Weekly
September 6, 2022

By TNW correspondent

Political leaders – some of them topmost and leading ones – claim in political rhetoric that they are popular among people and they have every confidence in getting people’s backing in the polls. “Safe constituencies are there for us like in the past,” said a senior politician on Monday in Kathmandu.

In practice, however, a number of leaders are approaching local and provincial level politicos to search for them win-safe constituencies. In open competitive politics of first past the post polls, it is difficult to find out a safe constituency for leaders to win. Various factors determine the outcome of the polls, explained an analyst.

Leading political parties – seven in number – are under intensive pressure to find safe constituencies for their leaders. Some 21 leaders, according to a reliable source close to the parties, need to win and they need safe constituencies for being able to do so. Poll partners are also feeling the pressure. That is why they have formulated a policy of not fielding a strong candidate in constituencies where senior-most leader is a candidate.

A few are underlining the need for rendering some constituencies for making leaders win unopposed. Top leaders oppose the idea saying they are competent to compete and earn people’s trust. “No need for searching safe constituencies.

Senior politicos consider the search for safe constituency as something not suitable in open democratic society. Leaders should compete in polls.

In the meanwhile, the ruling alliance team is working very hard to make provision for top leaders to have dignified position in poll competition. “Arrangements will be made in which top leaders would feel great and compete in the polls. Cadres will be mobilized to make a good campaigning.”

The campaign to oppose seating member of parliament and provincial assemblies has in the meanwhile not made any progress. “After all it is the politics of constituencies concerned that determine poll politics and possibilities,” said a media analyst.