July 27, 2024, Saturday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Indian Independence Day observed in Kathmandu

The Nepal Weekly
August 16, 2022

Nepal Bharat Friendship Society hosted a reception in Kathmandu to mark the occasion of 76th Independence Day of India. Speaking on the occasion a host of speakers highlighted the impoimpact of Indian independence in Nepal’s democratic struggle.

Nepalese leaders have also made valuable contributions in Indian independence day same as Indian leaders made contribution in Nepal’s democratic struggle, remarked Nepali Congress leader Arjun Narsingh K.C.

Former ministers Hisila Yami and Sunil Thapa, on the occasion shed light on various aspects of relations between Nepal and India at the programme chaired by president of NBFS Prem Lashkari.

Meanwhile, Indian Embassy, Kathmandu organized a programme at the embassy premises in Lainchaur, Kathmandu on the occasion of the Indian independence day.

On the occasion Indian ambassador to Nepal Naveen Srivastava felicitated widows and next of kin of deceased Gorkha soldiers of Indian Army by disbursing their dues worth NR 26.5 million to each family.