January 25, 2025, Saturday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Public issues


The Nepal Weekly
July 26, 2022

As the scenario of current Nepali politics goes on being rather dominated by politicians’ concern for keeping their positions comfortable in the context of the forthcoming elections, a number of serious public issues appear being neglected. The general trend of politics in the past decade has been power-centric. Nepalis in the past five years witnessed in the name of politics simply tactics for power among some five top leaders. Whatever they did, said or did not do or did not say became the driving force of politics. In the process they did not have time to focus on problems facing people in their daily lives. That is why the public issues accumulated and disconnect with people grew worse. The pandemic, seasonal disasters and the inflation particularly extreme rise in gas and petroleum prices added to them further. As for the response, it is confined to lip service. It is against this backdrop that people expect from the aspirants for seats in federal parliament and provincial assemblies some sort of pragmatic package or strategy to serve the public in the real meaningful sense. All poll-candidates will have to bear this in mind and motivate their parties concerned to come forward with clear-cut programmes for tackling problems facing the people in real time and real life. They have to create, in their own political organizations, an atmosphere to be first conscious of the needs and problems of the people and then be effortful to address them appropriately. The one way leaders’ show in politics that has been prevailing until now will not do. Youths of the political parties should take initiative in changing the political scenario. They will certainly face obstacles in the process for most of the political parties are being led by old time leaders. They have to understand it, pay due respect to old time politicians and at the same time target doing something substantial for the cause of the public. Nepalis had expected much from politicians as they participated in the People’s Movement II; they hoped their problems will be addressed after federalism was practiced in the past five years. Now as federalism gets into the second cycle after the general elections their problems should be addressed promptly and properly. If all those who prepare political parties for the forthcoming polls take this point into consideration, their manifestoes would emerge as pragmatic schemes and deliverable commitments for addressing public issues. And that would be a great contribution to the broad cause of remaining connected with the people.