February 12, 2025, Wednesday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Artists visit Jhimruk to help create a museum

The Nepal Weekly
July 26, 2022

A group of artists were invited to visit Jhimruk in Pyuthan cerate paintings and help the efforts of the rural municipality to create a museum of art, culture and social importance there. The artists were there for more than a week. The visited scenic spots, religious places and historic sites and they painted paintings to hand over to the rural municipality authorities.

At Rock garden, by Naresh Sainju
An uncommon tree at Okharkot, by Jeevan Rajopadhya

The artists managed to organize showcasing their creations in Kathmandu for a few days at Nepal Art Council before the artworks to dispatch to Pyutjan where the paintings will be hanged with pride.

A ruralscape, by Kuntishree Thapa Magar

The Temple of Khadgadevi at Okharkot, by Ratna Kumar Rai

The artists participated in the noble work are Naresh Sainju, Jeevan Rajopadhya, Ratna Kumar Rai, Sudarshan Karki, Mukesh Shrestha, Raj Kumar Rana Magar, Kuntishree Thapa Magar, Sudesh Shrestha, Sujita Maharjan and Durga Sunuwar (Sara Tunich Koinch).

The exhibition was commenced on 2022 July 23 and ended on July 25.