July 26, 2024, Friday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Democratic process


The Nepal Weekly
May 31, 2022

With three events – completion of local elections, adoption of government policies and programmes and presentation of budget for the fiscal year 2022-2023 in parliament – in recent days the constitutional process is in order and the same will contribute further to continuing democratic process in the second five-year-cycle of federalism in the country. Since the provision for parliamentary and provincial elections in the year-end has also been made, Nepalis could now not fear any disruption to democratic practices. All stakeholders of democratic values could feel proud of the matter. They, however, should keep themselves always vigilant about all possible threats for democratic process. This is highly essential in view of history of threats against democracy in the country over the past 72 years. The coalition government headed by Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba deserves due commendation for restoring the constitutional order as pledged during change of government in July last year. The role that the political parties played in the process should also be appreciated as highly cooperative and accommodative. The people in general, voters in particular, civil society, media and various constitutional bodies require to be mentioned as effectively helpful in maintaining the democratic process in the country. Had they not been effectively participative the process would not have completed with success. Now all should focus on way forward and seek solutions to the problems Nepalis face in their daily lives. Delivery of public services in time, checking market price, tackling problems of unemployment, minimizing corruption, irregularities and abuse of authority are the pressing problems decision makers, planners and implementers should now pick up for addressing. These should in no way be neglected. They cannot be sidelined under any excuse. Nepalis struggled a lot for restoring democracy in the country through political movements. They, however could not witness democracy preserved on a stable and permanent basis. The newly restored democratic process should make a difference and it should pave way for the Nepalis to concentrate on economic development, peace, sustainability, good governance, high standard public health, quality education and overall prosperity. The opportunity should not be missed and all concerned should focus on this at the moment.