July 27, 2024, Saturday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Questions before Oli, Deuba

The Nepal Weekly
May 31, 2022

Prime Minister Deuba and opposition leader Oli will have to answer different questions in their own political parties in the post-local level polls. Each leader, according to senior politicos, should respond to their in-party supporters with a sense of responsibility.

Opposition leader Oli will face questions such as these: why did the party get reduced to number two position in the local polls? What went wrong in the organization for not being able to maintain the massive support that CPN UML enjoyed five years ago? How will the party move forward in the forthcoming parliamentary and provincial polls? Will those in CPN UML who are not in the inner circle of Oli get opportunities for parliamentary race?

Queries before PM Deuba are: with NC emerging to restore its leading position in Nepali politics through local polls, how will Deuba ensure political cooperation in municipalities from the parties which pursue different ideologies and backgrounds? Will the political rivalry among the coalition partners not affect functions at municipalities? How will Deuba manage allotment of parliamentary seats to youth aspirants of Nepali Congress who have sacrificed significantly in the past?

One media analyst said both PM Deuba and opposition leader Oli will have to decide  on how much central leadership-influence they should impose in driving the party-policies and strategies in the context of parliament and provincial elections.

Since both leaders are seasoned politicians, they could tackle the problems and answer questions in their parties in their own way and style, said a commentator. Answering queries is one but strengthening the base of political party into the future is another, noted another commentator.

Youths in both leaders’ parties expect their leaders to be more dynamic and responsive than they are at present. Their aspirations compel them to expect this much from leaders, said a former parliamentarian.

Managing the aspirations of youth leaders in both parties appears to be the single most challenge both leaders face now and up to the parliamentary polls.