February 13, 2025, Thursday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Nepali voters: a great duty ahead!


The Nepal Weekly
March 1, 2022

As local elections get nearer, Nepali voters should be more conscious and enlightened to pick up right candidates to represent them properly in the municipalities – rural and urban for the next five years. They have to use their right to vote in the best way possible. Their choice should be able to make a difference in the development of their municipalities and also in protection of environment in future. Since they have practically experienced the local government in their own yards under wards in the last five years, they may have learnt lessons from this. The same could guide them to make a better choice this time. Although each voter is free to vote the way the person likes, there are some points they should take into consideration while finalizing their choice for standard representation. They should look for tendency to do away with corruption, the attitude to engage in improving governance for public service delivery and dedication towards development with gender equality and protection of natural resources. Elections, as all know, are times when general people mobilize themselves for participating indirectly in the governance of the country. The opportunity is great. So it should be properly utilized and voters’ alertness plays a very important role in it. If voters make themselves more informed about the political parties, their programmes, policies, leaders, and the candidates, they could make a quality choice. The same could be instrumental in making their representatives accountable. Their understanding of the whole electoral process is also important and voters should try to have a grasp of the process. Creating an environment for voting in a fair and free manner without fear from any quarter is the duty of all stakeholders of polls. Voters should not have indifference and they should not encourage indifference in the society towards the electoral process. The tendency to take polls as just the other formality or to regard polls as concern for the political parties and their leader and cadre is wrong. Elections are actually meant for people, the general man and woman in the street; they are the tools for expressing in practical terms how they could be best represented in governing bodies at varied levels. The constitution of Nepal has guaranteed the right to vote in Nepal in a proper way and the same should inspire all voters to make the best utilization of their votes. The participation of voters in previous elections – local or national – is encouraging and the same spirit should be maintained this time as well. All those who are engaged in voter education should also make sincere efforts to educate the voters about the sensitivity of the electoral process and the necessity of making each vote valid. Those who are attached to institutions administering the polls should also facilitate all aspects of the electoral process. All these could ultimately strengthen the foundation of democratic process in the country.