July 27, 2024, Saturday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Welcome to Cuban Ambassador

The Nepal Weekly
March 1, 2022

Friends of Cuba Nepal organized a reception in Kathmandu on Tuesday in honour of Cuban Ambassador to Nepal Alejendra Simcans Marin, who is also the ambassador of Cuba to India. Speaking on the occasion former Environment Minister Sunil Manandhar said that Nepal’s communists are always inspired by great leaders of Cuba like Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. Nepal can learn from the revolutionary movement launched by the people of Cuba against imperialism, he pointed out. HE also appreciated the struggle being launched by the Cuban people against the economic blockade imposed by the US government against Cuba for decades.

On the occasion ambassador Marin said that despite the economic blockade and the two year long pandemic Cuban people are struggling to come out of the crisis to move forward on the path of development and economic progress. Senior women’s leader Kalyani Shah and youth leader Abhinav Chaudhary on the occasion shed light on different aspects of Nepal – Cuba friendship. Ambassador

 can learn from the freedom struggle of Cuba, which has been fighting against economic embargo imposed by USA for decades. Nepali people always remember Fidel Castro and Che Gue Wara, the great leaders of Cuba, he pointed out.

Ambassador who was here on a brief visit presented his credential to president Bidya Devi Bhandari on Wednesday before leaving Kathmandu for Delhi.