February 10, 2025, Monday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Eyes on Deuba, Oli and Prachanda

The Nepal Weekly
February 8, 2022

TNW Correspondent

Prime Minister Deuba displayed decisive coalition-spirit and accommodative strategy in politics this week as he held discussion with opposition leader Oli and ruling partner Prachanda on various matters including local elections, smooth running of parliament and ratification of MCC (Millennium Challenge Corporation) at Baluwatar.

Whether the talk will result in positive result in near future is to be seen, said senior politicos in Kathmandu the other day commenting on the trio-tete-e-tete. Since all the three issues mentioned above are highly important for the country’s political and economic stability, the leaders can neither ignore nor downplay them this time under one or other excuse.

Local elections are to be held for the sake of continuity of federalism. Parliament should be functioning as respect for the people’s will expressed for five-year tenure in the last election. MCC, signed in 2017 between Nepal and US, has to be ratified as reportedly pledged in different ways and times by Deuba, Oli and Prachanda. Nepal may lose financing under it if it fails to get ratified by Feb. 28, 2022 as per recent communication of MCC authority.

Since all the three leaders have recently renewed their leadership position in their parties for the next four or five years in a democratic way, they have a political responsibility to handle the issues with a sense of accountability and maturity, said a former speaker of parliament.

“If they do not, their political image would be adversely affected and the youth generation in their parties would not tolerate it any longer. The other leading political leaders of the country particularly Madhav Nepal, Mahantha Thakur, Upendra Yadav, Dr. Baburam Bhattarai, Chitra Bahadur K.C. and C.P. Mainali and their parties will also not have points to trust them. The international community will also find limited space to place faith on them.”

All observers are currently focusing their attention on how the three leaders proceed forward in a day or two. How they go public on those issues or how they will handle their social media this week is what all in media and civil society are keenly waiting for, remarked a media analyst.