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Australia to reopen borders to international travel

The Nepal Weekly
February 8, 2022

“If you’re double vaccinated, we look forward to welcoming you back,” announced Prime Minister Scott Morrison. The reopening, on 21 February, will be welcome news for many sectors including international education. Australia has had some of the world’s strictest border controls throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

In March 2020, the government closed the borders. It barred most foreigners from entering the country and put caps on total arrivals to help combat the infection.

Some international students and skilled migrants have been permitted to enter the country since last December. On Monday, Morrison said those entering Australia when the borders fully reopened would need to provide proof of vaccination. “That’s the rule. Everyone is expected to abide by it,” he added. Unvaccinated travellers who have a medical reason for not being jabbed will still need to apply for a travel exemption and, if successful, will be required to quarantine at a hotel. Since the start of the pandemic, Australia has implemented strict measures to help contain the spread of Covid infections – even banning its own people from leaving the country last year. The country has so far reported more than 2.7 million cases of coronavirus along with 4,248 Covid-related deaths. Nearly 80% population of the country is fully vaccinated