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Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti to remember the noble ideology and deeds

The Nepal Weekly
October 1, 2024

Mahatma Gandhi whose real name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India’s independence from British rule. He inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. He was born on 2 October 1869 and assassinated on 30 January 1948.

Assuming leadership of the Indian National Congress in 1921, Gandhi led nationwide campaigns for easing poverty, expanding women’s rights, building religious and ethnic amity, ending untouchability, and, above all, achieving Swaraj or self-rule. Gandhi adopted the short Dhoti woven with hand-spun yarn as a mark of identification with India’s rural poor. He began to live in a self-sufficient residential community, to eat simple food, and undertake long fasts as a means of both introspection and political protest. Bringing anti-colonial nationalism to the common Indians, Gandhi led them in challenging the British-imposed salt tax with the 400 km (250 mi)Dandi Salt March in 1930 and in calling for the British to Quit India in 1942. He was imprisoned many times and for many years in both South Africa and India.

Gandhi’s vision of an independent India based on religious pluralism was challenged in the early 1940s by Muslim nationalists which demanded a separate homeland for Muslims within British India. In August 1947, Britain granted independence, but the British Indian Empire was partitioned into two dominions, a Hindu-majority India and a Muslim-majority Pakistan. As many displaced Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs made their way to their new lands, religious violence broke out, especially in the Punjab and Bengal. Abstaining from the official celebration of independence, Gandhi visited the affected areas, attempting to alleviate distress. In the months following, he undertook several hunger strikes to stop the religious violence. The last of these was begun in Delhi on 12 January 1948, when Gandhi was 78. The belief that Gandhi had been too resolute in his defence of both Pakistan and Indian Muslims spread among some Hindus in India. Among these wasNathuramGodse, a militant Hindu nationalist, who assassinated Gandhi by firing bullets into his chest at an interfaith prayer meeting in Delhi on 30 January 1948.

Gandhi Jayanti is an event celebrated in India to mark the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. It is celebrated annually on 2 October. The United Nations celebrates the day as International Day of Non-Violence.

Relevance of Gandhi in the 21st Century

Mahatma Gandhi became renowned as Mahatma (great soul) for his fearless, unselfish, and peaceful philosophies, as well as his attempts to bring socio political change. He is revered as a saint, statesman, revolutionary, author, social reformer, and many more.

Gandhi is known for his ideas, which sparked global campaigns for civil rights and independence. Gandhi’s statue was unveiled at the UN headquarters on December 15, 2022.

Gandhian ideology has historically piqued attention on the academic, intellectual, political, social, and economic fronts. His publications “My Experiments with truth” and “Hind Swaraj,” which have also been the subject of incredibly in-depth textual and contextual research, provide a profound understanding of him. Gandhi stands out from others because he doesn’t distinguish between theory and practice. Truth and nonviolence were values that Gandhi espoused. However, he was greatly influenced by many in formulating his theories and non-violent mode of struggle which eventually helped him become an epitome of peace and Nonviolence.

As the world struggles with terrorism and other forms of violence, Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolence philosophy is extremely important. Gandhi’s philosophy can be used to address today’s global concerns, including those connected to human rights, sustainable development, climate change, sociopolitical instability, war and peace, terrorism, political and administrative corruption. Today, this philosophy needs to be put into practice since it is a crucial component of satyagraha to stand up for the truth without resorting to violence. Even today, as the government works to make India self-sufficient, Gandhi’s concept of swadeshi is still widely held. The second iteration of swadeshi was introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the Covid time, when India was going through a terrible economic crisis, under the name “Atma Nirbhar Bharat.” Gandhi consistently worked to promote inter communal unity that is urgently needed. The 73rd and 74th amendments, which gave local self-governments more power, helped India execute the Gandhian principle of decentralisation. To honour persons from lower castes and in opposition to the caste system, Gandhiji used the term “harijan.” Gandhi envisioned a society where there was no hunger, no unemployment, no poverty, a healthy environment, and everyone had access to education and good health. Gandhi’s view of socialism was more social in its approach than political. These Gandhian philosophies will keep influencing Indian policymakers.

Gandhi was a strong supporter of “Swachhata” and paid close attention to cleanliness. His vision of a clean India has been realised by the recently launched “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.” Gandhi constantly advocated for minimising demands since human greed is destroying environment and a sustainable lifestyle is necessary in our day and age. According to him, “there is enough on earth for human needs but not enough for human greed.” Global warming, climate change, and resource depletion are the three main issues faced by the world today. Gandhi’s thought must be incorporated into all environmental agreements and sustainable development initiatives. Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development was established in New Delhi, in 2012 as integral part of UNESCO, in order to promote peaceful and sustainable communities via education for peace, sustainable development, and global citizenship. Gandhi played a significant role in bringing women out of their domestic work and make them self reliant which is still relevant today.

Even after so many years, Gandhi’s beliefs continue to enlighten both India and the rest of the globe. His political accomplishments gave us independence. Thus, in order to live a happy, prosperous, healthy, peaceful, and sustainable existence, every person should adhere to the core Gandhian ideologies.