September 14, 2024, Saturday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Builders’ efficiency

The Nepal Weekly
August 6, 2024

Nepal could save a lot of resources if builders show efficiency in the construction works they undertake in urban areas. The fact is seriously felt by all concerned every monsoon season as they encounter destruction or damage in river-banks or highways or roads in various rural and urban areas by flood or rain. Had the contractors evinced a sense of efficiency and quality in building infrastructure the damage or destruction could have been avoided. That would mean saving a lot of financial resources in the context of building costs. Nepal does not have scarcity of building engineers or civil engineers. If the engineers concerned take care in quality survey, designing and construction, the development works being undertaken in the country do not have to be destroyed every year during rainy season. Users of infrastructure appear used to construction in non-rainy season and destruction in rainy season. The same should no more be tolerated. Government officials and others concerned with building infrastructure should take the point seriously and adopt a system in which public works are done properly, professionally and on a sustainable way. The private sector entrepreneurs particularly those engaged in building and construction works should also take the point seriously. They should be accountable for what they build and they should contribute to sustainability of their works for a reasonable time-period. Infrastructure building and construction works after all should last long and remain sustainable. There are ways to guarantee the same. But the point is somehow either side-lined or ignored in the context of construction works in rural and urban areas. Various construction works of ancient Nepal are there for builders to observe and imitate. They could provide the examples of how infrastructure projects could be constructed guaranteeing sustainability for longer periods. Municipal authorities or some other officials responsible for development works in their areas should also be committed to the sense of sustainability. They should understand that public works are not constructed for a short period but for a long period. They should take special care in handling public resources for it is the money paid as tax by ordinary people. Making the best use of the tax money should be the mission of all engaged in development works specially infrastructural works. Urban developers should also emphasize the point and be strict in observing the building code professionally developed and followed in the country. Negligence in this regard would result in waste of resources.