September 14, 2024, Saturday
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SathSathai organizes march for climate justice

The Nepal Weekly
June 11, 2024

SathSathai Foundation organized a rally in Kathmandu with the theme “Marching together for Justice” on June 5, on the occasion of the World Environment Day. Around 200 participants representing some 50 organizations marched from Bhadrakali in the morning of June 5 and converged into a corner meeting at Basantapur on the occasion.

The participants were carrying placards with slogans like “Our Planet our future,” “Let’s save the Earth,” “The Climate is Changing, Why aren’t we?,” “Environmental Justice for Now.” The rally was led by chairperson of Sath Sathai Prajita Karki. The main objective of the rally was to spread the message that it is the responsibility of us all to protect the environment,” remarked Karki on the occasion. She underscored the need to forge collaboration among all stakeholders for attaining climate justice.