World Earth Day is celebrated on April 22, 2023 with the purpose to draw attention to the need for environmental protection. This is more relevant as scientific advancements are taking high speedcausing environmental degradation – like global warming and habitat destructions. This annual event brings together members of all walks of life, who express their care and love for our planet in some unique ways that help raise more awareness about these important issues we face as a global community.
Celebrating the day also means to remind that every person can contribute towards making this planet healthier by adopting sustainable practices in our everyday lives or partaking in activities such as cleanups, marches, planting trees festivals, etc. Celebrating Earth Day also means to understand better how important it is for each one of us to try and do whatever we can to make this place better not just but for generations to come.
American senator Gaylord Nelson founded this day in 1970, and it has since grown to be recognized all around the globe. This is the largest civic-focused day of action in the world and people are all encouraged to partake in some way or another.
Thus, World Earth Day is an annual, poignant reminder of the profound impact human activity has had on the environment and the urgent need to Invest in Our Planet in order to protect our future. As we face an increasingly uncertain climate and a rapidly changing world, it is more important than ever to shift our collective consciousness towards a deeper understanding of humanity’s role in this crisis. The challenges we face are urgent, but they also represent an opportunity for us to come together to take bold action and fight for equity and prosperity.
The theme for World Earth Day 2023 is ‘Invest In Our Planet’, which marks the 53rd observance of this day. This theme encourages the world to invest in a better future for our planet by tackling pressing environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and waste reduction.
Investing in renewable energy sources, conservation, and eco-friendly production methods may appear costly on the surface, but they are essential investments that pave a sustainable pathway toward a healthier future.
The world community needs greater investment in education when it comes to educating people around the world about why these changes need to be made before it goes too late. By investing in our planet today, we can ensure that generations of tomorrow.
A few but effective events were organised in Nepal to marking the World Earth Day.
Student representatives from WWF supported eco-clubs from all over the country came together to celebrate the achievements of eco clubs during the Eco Club Summit.
The theme of the summit was to create waste free schools by 2030, reads the press release issued by the organisation.
Nearly 200 students from 17 districts were participated at the event where they played educational games, learned from their experiences, and brainstormed ideas for their own clubs.
Similarly, a giant white teddy bear begins his journey across Nepal, accompanied by a group of young climate activists on a drive to raise awareness about air pollution.
Marking the day, Save the Children in Nepal introduced Saathi the “Air Bear,” planned to travel different parts of the country over the next six months in a truck while its fur gradually gets darker to highlight the impact of air pollution.
Saathi, which means ‘friend’ in Nepali, will have the colour of its fur monitored over its journey while meeting policymakers, entertainers and visiting schools and colleges along the travelling.
The campaigners aim to show the impact of air pollution on the environment and the health of children ahead of this year’s G20 in India in October and the COP28 climate change summit in Dubai.
The Air Bear initiative is part of Save the Children’s ‘’Generation Hope’ campaign that aims to raise awareness of the impact of the climate crisis that is threatening the future, survival, learning, and safety of children.
On the occasion, Land Our Future which has been strongly campaigning with youth involvement organised an orientation programme to its membership club. The event was to impart importance of land, environment and habitat. The focus of the event was the methodologies to tackle the challenges. The brand campaign this time introduced 18 new members to its membership club. Most of new comers are studying environmental science, forestry including management and IT. Former Minister for Environment Sunil Manandhar is the lead personality involved in the campaign.