April 20, 2024, Saturday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

A mature mandate


The Nepal Weekly
November 29, 2022

The Nepal General Election 2022 has delivered a mature mandate. Nepali voters have demonstrated once again their wisdom in deciding through ballots what to continue and what to change in the country during next five years. They have offered due honour to the top politicos particularly –Deuba/Paudyal, Oli, Dahal, Nepal and C. B. KC – for their political contribution. But they did not appreciate their ego-satisfying political leadership focused on remaining in power by hook or by crook and by sacrificing norms of value-politics, not tolerating dissent inside their political parties, blocking opportunities for new generation and running the political organization as their personal property. People did through their votes what leaders avoided all these years. They allowed impressive space in parliament to non-partisan youths, new faces and fresh generation politicos. Because of this youths are now able to play their role in policy formulation, law making and scrutinizing government work and introducing fresh air in the functioning of the highest legislature of the country. They could also contribute to creating a situation in the country in which democratic institutions and constitutional bodies can function independently. By not delivering majority parliamentary strength to any single party, people silently expected the newly elected parliamentarians to work out a value based transparent compromise and a standard negotiation-culture including tolerance for accommodation and dissent for producing a government which could ensure stability, governance and change appropriately as per the need of time. This is a great opportunity for parliamentarians to be creative and innovative in forming effective government. The same should, however, neither be misused through manipulation-tricks nor used for self-satisfying purposes. If that option is honoured well with due regard for public cause [and there is a room for this in the present House of Representatives-set-up], it could result in a stable government for five years. There, however, is a risk none could afford to ignore. If that option is wrongly handled like in the past parliamentary politics, it will result in further political chaos in the country. Newly elected parliamentarians particularly the politically rather unknown quantity – winners of Rastriya Swatantra Party – have therefore a great role in determining path of stability in the country. They should always bear in mind that they might be rewarded or punished by people as the parliament completes its term by 2027. People, all should know, keep constant watch on their representatives, particularly the way they perform, exercise authority to decide, use power/resources, speak,  negotiate, and handle public affairs as against personal interest.