Classical Gallery situated at Chakupat, Lalitpur has started offering special classes for down-syndrome girls. Sarita Dangol, renowned female artist, the proprietor of the gallery, says she has started special art classes under the banner of “Mikha” targeting girls with downsyndrome and autism, for the last one month, after nearly one year long preparations.
Here painting, dance and singing classes are offered to downsyndrome girls, who need psychological support and social interaction, says Sarita. Currently there are three girls in their thirties, who come twice a week to attend art and dance classes. She hopes that more and more female students can join the classes and enjoy the benefit. Women with downsymdrome problem can enjoy the benefit at Mikha almost free of cost. “We don’t charge specific amount of money from the students, but we accept whatever donation they provide us as support,” says Sarita.
Our aim is to help girls with certain mental disability and make them adjust in the society, says Sarita.
The concept of Mikha was introduced by Sarita and her childhood friend Sunila Bajracharya, who is providing support for the programme from USA, where she is residing currently, informed Sarita.
The main objective of the starting Mikha, which she describes as “opening the Inner Eye” is to give the downsyndrome girls to show their hidden talent and to mix-up them in the society, according to Sarita, who has already dedicated three decades of her life in the field of visual art.
Although, fine art is a growing field with lots of opportunities, people still don’t have positive view towards this field, complains Sarita. “Even today people hesitate to send their children to art classes despite thinking that one cannot support his or her life only by pursuing a career in the field of fine art,” said she.