July 26, 2024, Friday
Nepal 1:37:26 pm

Kishunjee-way for Deuba


The Nepal Weekly
December 28, 2021

As Nepali Congress heads towards future with new mandate from the 14th National Convention one formula most suggest in the democratic party is: the way Kishunjee, the favourite name given with deep respect to former Prime Minister Krishna Prasad Bhattarai, followed throughout his political career should now be the guideline for Prime Minister and President of NC Sher Bahadur Deuba. The idea of simplicity, openness, accommodativeness and commitment that Kishunjee practiced in politics – in power, off power, in prison or outside prison – should be the directive for Deuba if he wants to translate the mood and voice of the Convention into real practice. Kishunjee along with the great democratic leader Ganesh Man Singh, who led the People’s Movement as common leader of both democrats and communists, provided examples of sacrifice and service as they drove the politics of NC for years together. Singh’s willingness to propose Kishunjee as Interim Prime Minister after the restoration of democracy in nineties is by itself a great sacrifice and the then PM Bhattarai’s single minded focus on the constitution of multiparty parliamentary system with King as nominal head in that decade could be taken as great examples of politicians playing a very constructive role. Had Bhattarai not emphasized finalizing the constitution then limiting the power of the king Nepal would not have advanced towards democracy and freedom with meaningful consequences. The sense of sincerity and dedication that Kishunjee had in his personal life and political life is something leaders should note and replicate to emerge as influential in changing times of the 21st century Nepal. Deuba is expected to play Kishunjee for at least the next four years to institutionalize the pillars and practices of democracy inside the party and outside the party. That actually is the public call at the moment when youths of new generation are about to take the lead. Kishunjee’s sense of respecting those who differed with him in party or other matters is something Deuba had better copy and implement as he starts leading the party into the next half of 2020s. Kishunjee’s dream of democratic and developed Nepal could be better realized through the process of practicing what he demonstrated during different political situations in his time. PM Deuba is perhaps aware of all these. The point whether he could put all these into real practice in days to come is something all are watching.