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Skill development training centre to be expanded in 7 provinces

The Nepal Weekly
December 14, 2021

Minister for Labour Krishna Kumar Shrestha has said, the ministry is planning to expand professional and skill development centres in all the seven provinces in the country. Speaking at a programme to inaugurate Professional and Skill Development Training Centre at Bhaisepati, Lalitpur Minister Shrestha said, in order to compete in international and domestic labour market, as well as to create new employment opportunities, promotion of skill and entrepreneurship development. It is necessary to expand such training centres throughout the country for the promotion of skill development and entrepreneurship development in order to compete in international and domestic labour market, Minister Shrestha said. The government is focussing on expanding the skill development training centres at provincial and local levels with a view to uplifting the living standard of the people and also to attend high and sustainable economic development by providing more employment opportunities in productive sectors, pointed out Shrestha.